Part Four: Confirming your submission

Now we set up the application called "Options" so that we can perform additional configurations on eCheck.

  1. Now re-run eCheck on your app
  2. Examine the feedback from the eCheck app in the console. If you do not see confirmation that your mark has been recorded, then debug accordingly (typo in your password? in the URL?). Consult the page Troubleshooting as needed.
  3. Once you see an indication from eCheck that says that a grade has been recorded for you, go to the CSE1710 course homepage and look under "Student Grades". Follow the link to the ePost facility
  4. Enter your cse****** credentials when prompted.
  5. The resulting page will show your basic information, followed by information about the eCheck exercises that have been received.
  6. You should see an entry for "LAB00A" with a timestamp.

Congratulations - you have now completed Lab #1.

If you do not see an entry in ePost as described above, then:
  1. go back and re-run eCheck on carefully. Examine the output for diagnostic clues.
  2. Redo or recheck the previous steps that pertain to the error.
  3. If the eCheck server cannot be found, re-rerun Options to double check the server and/or credentials.