Part Two: Setting up eChecking as an External Application

Now we will set up the eCheck app so that we can "eCheck" the application
What this means is that the output of is checked to see whether it was implemented correctly.

  1. Select Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration. This will cause the "External Tools Configurations" Dialog to appear. Select Program and press the "New" button. In the "Name:" field, type "eCheck" (without the quotes). Under "Location:", select Click Browse File System... and navigate to the JDK's bin directory and select java.exe The result would be something like: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\java.exe [If you are doing this lab exercise on a Mac laptop, then the java executable is found in /usr/bin)
  2. For the field "Working Directory": cut and paste into it the following: ${workspace_loc:/1710}
  3. For the field "Arguments:" cut and paste into it the following: eCheck ${resource_name}
  4. Click on "Apply" and then "Run"

If you encounter any problems, see the
Troubleshooting page.

You can tell that eCheck is running by looking at the console.
Use the feedback from eCheck to refine and modify your app so that it produces the output that eCheck is expecting to see. In the case of Lab L1.2, it asks you to write some statements that were deliberately incorrect. The point of the exercise is for you to learn how to diagnose and refine your code on the basis of the eCheck output.

It should display something like the following:
Pasted Graphic 2