Q: I get the following error. How do I fix this?
Pasted Graphic 1

If you see the following error, then single-click on the entry "Check00A.java" in the "Package Explorer" view in order to select it (it will turn dark blue). Then select Run -> External Tools -> eCheck

Q: I lost my console view - how do I get it back?

Window -> Show View -> Console

Q: The whole Eclipse screen looks weird and unfamilar - how do I fix this?

Window -> Open Perspective -> Java.

Q: When I created my class, I forgot to select to check off the option "public static void main(String[] args)". How do I get this back?

cut and paste the following:
public static void main(String[] args) {


Q: When I created my class/project, I made a typo in the name. How can I fix this?

First, save the current file and then select File -> Refresh.
Select the identifier that needs to be modified. If it is a project name, single click on the project name in the Package Explorer view. If it is a class name, highlight it.
Select Refactor -> Rename. Enter the new name and hit enter.

Q: eCheck says my application produces the expected output and records a mark, but I cannot see the mark in ePost? What gives?

The eCheck app checks your cse****** name against a special file that lists all of the enrollees of CSE1710, listed by the cse****** account. It shows only the marks for those students who have cse****** accounts on file.
If you have only recently activated your cse****** account, then this file will not yet be updated with your account info (it gets updated every 24 hours).
You will need to wait for the enrollee file to be updated with your cse****** account info for eCheck to work for you.