Part 1 (A): Getting Eclipse set up and configured

For this part, we set up Eclipse.

  1. If you don't yet have a cse****** account, go to the lab monitor who is sitting in the glass booth of the lab CSEB1006, identify yourself as a CSE1710 student, and you will be given an account (which takes 20-30 minutes to be activated).
  2. Log in to one of the workstations in the Digital Media Lab (CSEB1002) using your cse****** login and password.
  3. Start up the application "Eclipse" which is located on the desktop
  4. Dismiss the "Welcome to Eclipse" tabbed pane (If you want to look at it later, you can find it under Help -> Guide)
  5. You are now seeing the "Java" Perspective. If you find yourself with a view that is different, you can get back to this perspective by selecting Window -> Open Perspective -> Java. Use Window -> Open Perspective to select a different perspective (such as the "Java Browsing" or the "Debug" perspective) in order to see what a different perspective looks like. Switch back to the "Java" Perspective.

The Java perspective contains a number of different "views" arranged within the window. There is a big empty view in the middle of the window. The title bar is empty, but the title bar decorators are present to minimize and maximize the view. This is where the editor will go once there is at least one file within the project (but at this point you have no project nor any files).

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  1. The "Package Explorer" view is located on the left.
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  1. Create a new Project called "1710" by selecting File -> New -> Java Project. This will cause the "New Java Project" dialog to appear.
  • In the "Project name:" field, enter 1710.
  • Under JRE, choose the 1.6 version of Java as the execution environment, if it is not already selected.
  • Under "Project Layout", choose the option "Use project folder as root for sources and class files". (IMPORTANT)
  • Select the Finish button.
  • In the "Package Explorer" view, you will now see a folder with the name "1710".
  • If you look at the Z: drive using the Explorer, you will see that the following directory has been created: Z:\workspace-win32\1710\