Here are most of my publications. PDF versions of some of the papers
are available.
J. Amanatides,
"Dynamic Graphics and the Low Bandwidth Communication Barrier",
Proc. Graphics Interface '83,
May 1983, pp 211-214.
J. Amanatides, "Ray Tracing with Cones",
Proc. Siggraph '84, Computer Graphics
July 1984, pp 129-135.
Figure 2,
Figure 3
J. Amanatides and A. Fournier, "Ray Casting using Divide and Conquer in
Screen Space",
Proc. Intl. Conf. on Engineering and Computer Graphics,
Beijing, China, August 1984, pp 290-296.
J. Amanatides,
"Realism in Computer Graphics: A Survey",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
January 1987, Vol 7(1), pp 44-56.
J. Amanatides and A. Woo,
"A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing",
Proc. Eurographics '87,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1987, pp 1-10.
J. Amanatides and D.P. Mitchell,
"Some Regularization Problems in Ray Tracing",
Proc. Graphics Interface '90,
June 1990, pp 221-228.
A. Woo and J. Amanatides,
"Voxel Occlusion Testing: A Shadow Determination
Accelerator for Ray Tracing",
Proc. Graphics Interface '90,
June 1990 pp 213-220.
J. Amanatides and D. Mitchell,
a 90 second video animation presented
at the 1989 Siggraph Electronic Theater.
J. Amanatides and D.P. Mitchell,
"Antialiasing of Interlaced Video Animation",
Proc. Siggraph '90, Computer Graphics
August 1990, pp 77-85.
B. Naylor, J. Amanatides and W. Thibault,
"Merging BSP Trees Yields Polyhedral Set Operations",
Proc. Siggraph '90, Computer Graphics
August 1990, pp 115-124.
P. Poulin and J. Amanatides,
"Analytic and Approximate Algorithms for Linear Light Sources",
Proc. Eurographics '90,
Montreau, Switzerland,
September 1990, pp 377-386.
P. Poulin and J. Amanatides,
"Shading and Shadowing with Linear Light Sources",
Computers and Graphics
15(2), 1991, pp 259-265.
J. Amanatides,
"Algorithms for the Detection and Elimination of Specular Aliasing",
Proc. Graphics Interface '92,
May 1992, pp 86-93.
showing the technique is available]
J. Amanatides and E. Szurkowski,
"A Simple, Flexible, Parallel Graphics Architecture",
Proc. Graphics Interface '93,
May 1993, pp 155-160.
J. Amanatides,
"Object-Space Variance Estimators",
Proceedings of the Seventh Western Computer Graphics Symposium
March 1996, pp 85-87.
J. Amanatides and K. Choi,
"Ray Tracing Triangular Meshes",
Proceedings of the Eighth Western Computer Graphics Symposium,
April 1997, pp 43-52.
O. Mazarek, C. Martins and J. Amanatides,
"Animating Exploding Objects",
Proc. Graphics Interface '99,
June 1999, pp 211-218.
[Quicktime versions of
building animation
logo animation
C. Martins, J. Buchanan and J. Amanatides,
"Visually Believable Explosions in Real Time",
Proc. Computer Animation 2001, Seoul, Korea, November 2001, pp 237-247.
Revised Nov. 2, 2005