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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

CSE3461 Home
Course News
Week-by-Week Overview
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Course Policies

Course Enrolment

Course enrolment is handled by the Computer Science Undergraduate Office. Instructors can not 'sign students in' to this course.

Switching Sections

Students are required to attend the lectures, submit the assignments, and write the midterm and final for the section in which they are enrolled. (Note that assignments and exams may differ between the two sections.) For questions pertaining to changing your enrolment status, please visit the Computer Science Undergraduate Office.

Attendance at Lectures

Students are expected to attend the lectures. Although much of the course information will be posted on the web, additional information will be given during the lectures that is not posted on the web. Students who skip lectures do so at their own peril!

Software Development Platform

For the purpose of marking, programming assignments are required to compile and execute on Ariel. Software developed on other platforms should be verified on Ariel before submission.

Submission of Assignments

Assignments are due by midnight on the specified date and are to be submitted electronically with the 'submit' command in Ariel (unless otherwise specified). Late submissions will not be accepted (see 'Late assignments' below).


Assignment marking will use letter grades (see the explanation of the letter grades below).

Late Assignments

Late assignments will not be accepted and will receive a zero grade unless arrangements have been made with the instructor prior to the due date. Exceptions to the late policy will be made only under very special circumstances (e.g. serious illness) and only with proper documentation (i.e. a letter from your doctor). Missed midterms will be handled in the same manner.

Requests for Remarking

Once returned, marked assignments and exams should be reviewed by students, and any request for remarking should be submitted to the instructor within one week. Requests must be accompanied by a written description of the marking error. Only problems of mark addition, and serious marking errors will be considered - remarking requests of a frivolous nature may result in your mark being lowered.

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