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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

CSE1030 Home
Course News
Week-by-Week Overview

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What's new?

Welcome to the course!

May 5: The only announcement so far is that there will be no lab in the first week of classes.

May 29: An incorrect "drop date" was originally posted in the week-by-week calendar. That has now been corrected. The last day to drop the course without receiving a grade is Monday, July 7.

June 2: There will be no formal lab exercise on Tuesday, June 3. However, there will be a TA on hand to help you with any questions you have about the previous labs or the material covered so far. Please note that the lab will end a bit earlier than usual: students are asked to leave the lab by 7:15 at the latest.

August 1: The final exam will take the form of a labtest (no written/paper component). It will take place from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5, in the regular lab (CSEB1004) - more precisely: the machines will go into labtest mode at about 10 to 7 and go back to normal mode at about 5 to 10.

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