Mapping an E-R Model to a Relational Model

An E-R diagram can be converted to a relational model fairly easy.


1    Transform all relationships difficult to represent in the relational model.


1.1 Replace all M: M relationships


Replace all relationships of M: M type by a weak entity and two relationships.  The new relationships will be of type 1:M with the M on the branch to the weak entity. 

Example:  Lets consider the relationship VISIT (Property_for_Rent, Client) presented in Figure1.




Figure 1


We will replace it by the diagram presented in Figure 2.




Figure 2





1.2 Replace all recursive relationships


A recursive relationship is a relationship between an entity E1 and itself (E1).  We will replace the relationship by a weak entity and two relationships. It is important in this case always to give a name for each branch of the recursive relationship.

Example:  The relationship SUPERVISES presented in Figure 3 is recursive. We present in Figure 4 its transformation.



Figure 3




Figure 4


1.3  Replace all relationships having attributes


Replace the relationship R with attribute A by a weak entity and two relationships.  The attribute A will be linked to the weak entity.

Example: We will replace the relationship R with attribute A in Figure 5 by the weak entity R with attribute A and two relationships R1, R2  as in Figure 6. 



Figure 5


Figure 6



2 The strong entity represented by rectangles become relations represented by tables. 

The table name is the same as the entity name.  The simple attributes of the entity become attributes of the relation, or column headings for the table.  The primary key of the entity become the primary key of the table.  For the composite attributes we will make a column for each of the simple attributes that form the composite, or we can choose to leave the composite as a single attribute.  Multivalued attributes will be removed from the table and we will create a separate relation in which we put the primary key of the entity, along with the multivalued attribute.   The key of this new table will be the combination of the key of the original table and the multivalued attribute.  If there are multiple multivalued attributes in the original table, we have to create a new table for each one. 


The tables created in relational model are: STUDENT (studID, lastName, firstName, credits) and STUDMAJOR (studID, major)

3        We will use foreign keys to map the 1 :1 or 1 :M binary relationships (not versus a weak entity) to the relational model

·        relationship 1 :1  We will add a copy of the primary key of one entity into the table corresponding to the other entity. 

Example:  The relationship R1 may be mapped in two ways to relational model.

Manager (MngID, MngStartDate, DeptID)

Primary key MngID

Foreign key DeptID reference Department (DeptID)

Department (DeptID, DeptAddress)

Primary key DeptID


Manager (MngID, MngStartDate)

Primary key MngID

Department (DeptID, DeptAddress, MngID)

Primary key DeptID

Foreign key MngID reference Manager (MngID)


·        relationship 1 : M, a copy of the primary key of the entity on the 1 side will be added to the table corresponding to the entity on the M side, as foreign key. 


Example:  Tables MEMBER and HORSE in Figure 8 map the entities MEMBER and HORSE in Figure 7.  

Figure 7.



Primary key MID



Primary key HID

Foreign key MID reference MEMBER(MID)

Figure 8


4        For each weak entity map a table with the same name in the relational model.  Add in this table the primary key of all entities in relationship with the weak entity (as foreign keys) and all the attributes linked to the weak entity.  For each relationship to or from a weak entity do nothing.  The relationship is already represented by the primary key included in the table corresponding to the weak entity. 

Example: The entities and relationships in Figure 9 are mapped in the relational model by tables VISIT, Client, Property_for_Rent, CV, VP (Figure 10).


Figure 9


VISIT (ClientID, PropertyID, VisitDate, Comments)

Primary key (ClientID, PropertyID, VisitDate)

Foreign key  ClientID reference Client(ClientID)

Foreign key Property_ID reference Property_for_Rent (Property_ID)



Primary key Client_ID



Primary key Property_ID

Figure 10.


5        How do you map a specialization E-R diagram to a relational model?









  1. How do you map a ternary or n-ary relationship on the relational model?


You construct a table for the relationship, in which you place the primary keys of the related entities.  If the ternary or n-ary relationship has attributes, they go in the relationship table.


For one Faculty instance and one Class instance there are one or many Textbooks.  For one Class instance and one Book instance there is one single faculty instance.  For one Faculty instance and one Textbook instance there are one to many Class instances.  The FacID is unique for each instance of the pair (TextID, ClassID).

The corresponding table in the relational model is:


Faculty_Class_Textbook(TextbookID, FacID, ClassID).

Primary key (TextbookID, ClassID)                                                                        

Foreign key TextbookID references TextBook(TextbookID)

Foreign key FacID references Faculty(FacID)

Foreign key ClassID references Class (ClassID)


Textbook(TextBookID, …)

Primary key TextBookID


Faculty(FacID, ….)

Primary key FacID


Class (ClassID, …)

Primary key ClassID



For one instance of Supplier and one instance of Distributor there are many instances of Product.  For one instance of Supplier and one instance of Product there are many instances of Distributor.  For one instance of Product and one instance of Distributor there are many instances of Supplier.  A product is not considered if it is not supplied by a Supplier to a Distributor.  A Supplier can exist without supplying to a Distributor, and a Distributor can exist without receiving products from a Supplier.


The corresponding tables in the relational model are:


S_P_D (SuppID, ProdID, DistID, Price)

Primary key  (SuppID, ProdID, DistID)

Foreign key SuppID references Supplier(SuppID)

Foreign key ProdID references Product(ProdID)

Foreign key DistID references Distributor(DistID)



Supplier(SuppID, SuppName, SuppAddress)

Primary key SuppID


Product(ProdID, ProdDescription)

Primary key ProdID


Distributor(DistID, DistAddress, DistName)

Primary key  (DistID)