Michael S. Brown
Canada Research Chair in Computer Vision
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Lassonde School of Engineering
York University
Email: m{last name}@eecs.yorku.ca
Personal Assistant
Ms. Khatoll Ghauss
Email: {firstname}@cse.yorku.ca
Contact Information
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Office Location: Lassonde 3022 | map ( link )
Telephone: +1 (416)-736-2100 x66675
(Click image for our new white-balance dataset: 9 cameras, raw format, same scene with color chart) ![]() | (Click image for link to ICCV 2023 Tutorial) ![]() | (Available at CRC press - click image)![]() |
Research Interests
Computer vision; image processing; and computer graphics.
Professional Service
Organizing Chair:   ProCams 2008, eHeritage 2009, WACV 2011/12/13/17/19, HIP 2011, PG 2013, ACCV 2014, 3DV 2015, ICVGIP 2016, CRV 2019/20, CVPR 2018/21/23
Demo/Tutorial Chair:   ACCV 2012, SIGGRAPH-Asia 2012, CVPR 2014
Area Chair (Vision):   CVPR 2009/11/13/22, ACCV 2010/12/16/20, ICCV 2011/13/15/17/19/21/23, ECCV 2012/20, BMVC 2018
Senior Committee (Graphics):   VR 2011, PG 2010/11/12/14, 3DV 2017/20
Associate Editor:   TPAMI (2011-2016), CGF (2013-2016), IJCV (2013-current)
C.V. (PDF)
Publications (link)
Fall, 2022 EECS1015: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Python) |
Hoang Le (PhD, 2023) Sai Tedla (PhD, expected 2026) Ian MacPherson (MSc, expected 2023) Beixuan Yang (MSc, expected 2023) Trevor Canham (MSc, expected 2024) |
Seonghyeon Nam (Meta) Mahmoud Afifi (Google) Abhijith Punnappurath (Samsung) Nguyen Ho Man Rang (VinAI) Alvaro Gauterin (Fitsense Startup) Dilip Prasad (NTU - Research Fellow) Russell Looi (Kydon Holdings) Sharmili Roy (Microsoft) N V Kartheek Medathati (INRIA - Sophia Antipolis) Lu Zheng (City University of Hong Kong) Seon Joo Kim (Yonsei University) Wu Zheng (Panasonic Research Labs) Grani Adiwena Hanasusanto (Imperial College London) Vu Anh Huynh (MIT) Hong Guangming (Ping An Payment - China) Zhuo Shaojie (Qualcomm - Canada) Poon Wei Koot (Sunway Computer Services) |
Abdullah Abuoliam (PhD'22 | York) [Google] Ali Maleky (MSc'22) [Ecopia AI] Sai Tedla (MSc'22) [PhD student York] Mahmoud Afif (PhD'21 | York) [Google] Abdelrahman Abdelhamed (PhD'20 | York) [Google] Hakki Can Karaimer (PhD'19 | York) [Qualcomm (Canada)] Mahsa Paknezhad (PhD'17 | NUS) [Data Rock AI] Nguyen Ho Man Rang (PhD'16 | NUS) [VinAI] (Graduation Photo) Cheng Dongliang (PhD'16 | NUS) [Harbin Institute of Technology - Robotics Institute (Hefei), China] Li Yu (PhD'15 | NUS) [Advance Digital Science Centre, Singapore] (Graduation Photo) Guo Fangfang (MSc'14 | NUS) [Baidu, China] Sharmili Roy (PhD'14 | NUS) [Microsoft (Singapore), CTO Commerce APAC] Deng Fanbo (PhD'13 | NUS) [Research Scientist at I2R] Gao Junhong (PhD'13 | NUS) [Indeed - Japan] Lin Haiting (PhD'13 | NUS) [Post-Doc - U Delaware] Lu Zheng (PhD'11 | NUS) [Assistant Professor - City University Hong Kong] (Graduation Photo) Liu Shuaicheng (MPhil'10 | NUS) [PhD Student NUS-ECE] Yu-Wing Tai (PhD?09 | NUS) [Associate Professor - KAIST (Korea) - now at Sensetime (Hong Kong)] (Graduation Photo) Tsoi Yau-Chat (PhD?09 | NTU) [Lecturer - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology] (Graduation Photo) Fong Heung Wah (MPhil?04 | HKUST) [Lead Programmer ? Virtuos, Shanghai] William Wong (MSc?04 | HKUST) [Multimedia Designer - Yocolabs, Hong Kong] Tsang Kin Ting (MPhil?04 | HKUST) [Software Engineer ? Harmonics Inc, Hong Kong] Ruiduo (Alan) Yang (MPhil?02 | HKUST) [Software Engineer at Google, USA (after PhD from U.SF)] |
Code and project pages from various publications ( link )