1030 Lab Week 3 – pex03

Before working on this exercise, please read the lecture note Chapter 3

Information on how to run eclipse, create a new project, package, and class can be found on first week’s lab note or see these video clips
This exercise is continued from last week’s exercise, if you haven’t done pex02, see the lecture note Chapter 2 and lab note week 2

Your first task is to modify Person class from pex02 such that it belongs to pex03 package and support a new method.

If you want to keep your pex02 project as it is,
you can create a new project pex03,
create a new package pex03,
create a new class named “Person”,
and copy-paste the content of pex02.Person.java to pex03.Person.java.
Modify the “package pex02;” on the first line into “package pex03;

If you want to change your pex02 into pex03 directly, you can do refactoring


You already know how to add new method and do phase 2 :)
In phase 3, you need to create a .jar file for your class. See this video clip on how to do it.