COSC 6490A 3.0 Concurrent Object Oriented Languages

Winter 2002


Brief overview

In this course we focus on the theory and practice of concurrent programming. We study theoretical aspects of concurrent programming including concurrent calculi (like CCS and pi-calculus) and bisimulation. Furthermore, we look at concurrent features of programming languages like Java and Pict.

General information

Time: Monday and Wednesday, 19:00-20:30
Place: VH 2005
Instructor: Franck van Breugel
Office hours: 17:45-18:45 or by appointment
Office: CSB 3046

Reference material

Material will be provided to the students. Class notes will be crucial.


The performance of the students will be evaluated as a combination of a project (60%) and four assignments (40%). Students will not have the option of doing additional work to upgrade their mark.


There will be four assignments. The assignments are given out on
  1. January 9;
  2. January 30;
  3. February 20;
  4. March 18.
The assignments should be handed in within two weeks. No late assignments will be accepted. If a student cannot hand in the assignment in time for reasons beyond his/her control, the student has to bring a documented note to the instructor. If accepted, the weight will be prorated towards the term paper.


Each student will choose a topic of his/her interest. The student will study in detail one research paper on the topic and will also read some related material. The student will implement some of the ideas of the paper in one of the languages studied in the course. In both an oral presentation (10%) and a written presentation (45%) the student will In the week of February 17-21 each student will hand in and discuss a progress report (5%). The presentations will take place during the last lectures of the course. A draft version of the term paper may be handed in by March 22. The final version is due on April 19.


The suggested reading material, additional material and the assignments can be found by clicking on the corresponding date on the calendar below.