COSC 2011 3.0 Fundamentals of Data Structures

Summer 2001

Section A


  • The final marks are available (courseInfo 2011 2000-01 S).
  • Brief overview

    The design and analysis of data structures is a key subject in computer science. This course will focus on some fundamental data structures, including lists, trees and graphs. JavaTM will be used as the implementation language.

    General information

    Time: Monday and Wednesday, 17:30-19:00
    Place: CLH H (Mondays) and R S201 (Wednesdays)
    Instructor: Franck van Breugel
    Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 16:45-17:15, 19:00-19:30 or by appointment
    Office: CCB 348
    Prerequisites: general prerequisites

    Reference material

    The textbook for the course is As an alternative, can be used. Both books are on reserve in the Steacie library. Errata for the first edition can be found here and here. The following books are suggested for further reading. Note that "The Java Tutorial" is available online (click on the title). "Data Structures and Algorithms" is on reserve in the Steacie library.


    The student's performance in the course will be evaluated as a combination of a final exam (60%), a midterm (25%) and assignments (15%). More details are given below. There will be no supplemental examination for the course. Neither will students have the option of doing additional work to upgrade their mark.


    There will be three assignments.
    1. hand out June 13; due June 27;
    2. hand out June 27; due July 18;
    3. hand out July 18; due August 8.
    No late assignments will be accepted. If a student cannot hand in the assignment in time for reasons beyond his/her control, the student should bring a documented note to the instructor. If accepted, the weight of the final exam will be prorated accordingly. Each assignment is marked pass/fail and is worth 5%. Students may do the assignment in a group of two.


    The midterm will be held on July 4. If a student does not write the midterm, the weight of the final exam will be prorated accordingly.

    Final exam

    The final exam will be held in the examination period. It will be a three hour exam.


    The suggested reading material and additional material can be found by clicking on the corresponding date on the calendar below.