Results of Winter 2021 EECS waiting list submissions on or after Jan 4, 2021 YOU MUST USE YOUR PERMISSION TO ENROLL YOURSELF BY 11:59 p.m ON WEDNESDAY, Jan 20, 2021. If you do not use your permission, your seat may be given to another student. The permission applies to a specific section and lab/tutorial (if applicable). If you have difficulty using your permission, email the EECS undergraduate office: ug @ Look in the first column of the table below for the first 2 (or 3) letters of your surname, followed by the last three digits of your student number. The entries to the right represent the permissions you have been granted. For example, 2030M2 means EECS2030, Section M, Lab 2. If you were not granted permission, reasons may include: - You were already enrolled (section changes are not done through the waitlist) - You lacked one of the prerequisites, including the 4.5 EECS GPA prerequisite - You would exceed the limit on the number of EECS courses per term - The section(s) or lab(s) that you requested are full. If students drop or not all students exercise their permission to enroll, you may be able to get a seat by visiting the EECS undergraduate office on or after January 20. If you want access to a section that is not full (see list below), email the EECS undergraduate office or use the QLess system The courses which saw maximum demand are: EECS1012 EECS1019 EECS2001 EECS2032 EECS3214 EECS3221 EECS3311 EECS3461 EECS3482 EECS3421 EECS4313 EECS4401 EECS4412 EECS4413 EECS4415 We were unable to accommodate many requests for most of these courses. If you were refused permission and wish to inquire about other sections/labs of the requested course or about enrolling in other courses, contact the EECS undergraduate office on Qless. Permissions: Su-470 2030Z2 Gu-430 Hu-050 Qi-295 2021Z2 Ku-401 2001N1 Ch-829 2001N1 Wa-201 2001N1 Ci-456 2011Z Ma-113 1019M De-034 1012M5 Ha-143 4404Z Zi-924 3482M3 So-218 3221M Wa-988 2011O Ch-348 Re-460 2031O1 Iq-199 3311Z1 Mo-442 4461M Ha-964 Zh-659 2011N 2021N1 Na-128 2011M Al-527 2001M1 Me-224 3101M 4313Z Sa-660 2021Z2 Li-248 So-634 3214M Ma-267 Ma-260 Ko-294 Fr-623 An-280 2021M2 Su-629 4215M1 Vl-686 3421M Ah-324 2011N 2021N2 2001N Di-081 3101Z Tr-950 3101M 3221M Sy-964 Qi-859 Gu-726 3311M1 Vi-607 Ab-179 3216Z2 3342Z1 4413Z2 Sa-715 4421M2 Pi-486 Ja-074 Ma-074 2011Z Da-878 Se-254 1019N Za-340 2001M1 Sa-162 3421N No-999 1019M Ma-908 1021X8 Ba-442 Th-301 1560M2 Sh-601 2021M2 Ri-720 2030M3 D'-838 4101M 4412M Me-858 3482M3 Pa-305 2001M 2011M Qi-939 3311M Za-901 1019N Nn-504 4315Z1 Re-911 2021N2 3214M 3421N Ej-111 3482M3 Na-568 3421M La-583 Si-471 2021N2 Ma-736 2001M1 2021M2 2030Z2 Ay-718 1021X11 1028M1 Tr-768 2001M1 2030Z2 Ra-509 Wa-375 Pa-057 4313Z Mo-278 Me-801 3461M Li-164 3611Z1 Su-160 2011N 2031M1 Lo-494 1019N 2001M1 Tr-160 3482M3 4313Z Gh-586 4612Z Mc-122 1019N 1022O2 Ah-255 3101N Pe-182 2011M Si-933 1019N Kh-409 Ra-963 3451Z1 Ku-998 3421M Ot-969 3221M Ma-093 2030Z2 Ra-814 3421N Ab-294 Ma-098 2001M1 Ma-341 2001M1 Pa-139 Ze-464 2001M1 Ho-183 2030Z2 Pu-843 Sh-764 3421M Ma-829 2031O2 Ma-260 3214M La-074 1019M Kh-296 1011Z1 Ug-970 2031O2 Ya-579 3311Z2 Pr-366 Ye-841 Eh-918 3482M1 Si-687 4101M 4404Z Di-224 2001M1 2021N2 Wa-502 3421N Wa-908 2030Z2 3421M 3461M Sa-077 Xu-860 2001M1 Wu-617 Ah-832 Ga-455 Me-337 2030M3 Ba-703 3421M Zo-247 2031O2 Ma-800 3311M2 Ke-213 1019N Hu-683 3311Z1 Ag-114 Li-678 Ga-437 1022M1 Ch-827 Ib-477 1012M2 Ng-190 Hu-091 Ns-746 Ke-379 Di-050 Pa-837 Pa-914 La-794 1019M Ch-971 Ji-531 2030M2 Qa-036 Hu-050 4313Z Bu-329 2030M1 Pa-327 Al-158 3221M Ta-199 Ka-272 1019M To-965 2011O Ci-452 Le-103 1022N4 Jh-866 Gh-010 3311Z2 Ah-736 4412M Co-030 3311M2 Li-411 3101Z Oy-009 2011N 2021N2 2031N1 Ok-229 2011N 2021N2 Vi-771 3221Z 4215M2 4421M2 Du-831 1028M4 Es-693 2001M1 Ng-461 2031N2 Sa-010 Li-946 Wa-014 2021N2 Iv-422 Ak-216 2021Z2 Ab-092 1028M2 2011Z Na-191 Su-757 2030Z2 Fe-676 Ha-696 3311M1 Ly-889 1011Z2 Ze-823 3311M1 3421M Al-201 3311M1 Ng-761 3421N 4413Z1 Mo-902 1022M2 Ta-271 2021Z2 Od-086 Le-898 3461M Fu-683 2001M1 2030Z2 Va-803 1011Z1 Hu-298 2011N 2021Z1 Cr-852 1011Z1 Xu-963 2030Z1 Su-450 2030M3 Ra-343 1021Z5 Ch-675 Ra-107 Ji-312 3101M Mo-408 Ra-430 So-028 3221M Pa-814 Ha-768 Bh-147 3101N 3221Z Zh-419 1011Z1 Ti-644 Hu-070 2011N 3421M Sh-785 1019N Wa-806 Ne-072 4461M Pr-170 1012M2 Me-617 Ar-083 3421M Zh-023 3421M Nd-881 1019N De-380 2031M2 Ig-751 1019M Rh-161 1022N1 Sh-445 2030Z2 Zh-733 3482M3 Mo-375 2021Z1 Mo-709 Gl-647 1021X2 Fe-235 3461M Li-721 Pa-806 Pa-028 2001M1 Fl-887 Ta-686 Se-710 1021Z2 La-592 2001M1 Ma-935 3311Z2 Es-836 2030Z1 Xi-239 2021Z2 Ab-046 Bo-059 Hy-159 Zh-053 1021Z1 1028M3 Wi-780 Fa-237 3101N 3342Z1 4313Z Wa-370 Ha-155 3101Z 3311M2 So-358 2031O1 Ji-879 Li-615 Ch-668 4101M Uk-629 Sh-396 3221M 3311Z1 Hu-826 Ph-362 He-201 Bi-184 3101Z 3221Z Gh-728 3311Z2 4412M Yu-442 3421N La-002 An-516 2031N2 2030M2 El-100 3101Z Ha-057 1011Z2 2011O Xi-325 Xu-548 3221M Li-870 Ak-997 Qu-945 Qu-612 Si-259 3221M 3311Z1 Pa-456 Mi-873 3342Z2 At-563 3214M 3221M Ha-633 2021N1 3311Z2 Le-678 1021Z5 Vi-377 2030Z2 Fe-029 3221M Sh-301 2031N2 Th-932 4452M Ch-414 3611Z2 Ta-576 En-872 Bh-054 1019N Wa-297 2030M1 Ba-687 Ha-461 Ma-272 Ab-446 1028M4 Kh-122 3221Z 3311Z1 Ha-882 2001M1 Gu-447 2021N1 2030Z2 Eg-577 3214M Pa-841 Pa-097 Pr-745 1011Z2 Ka-168 1011Z2 Pa-322 Ka-788 2030M1 We-449 Pa-707 4421M2 He-405 1019N 2030Z2 Li-516 Ba-462 2021Z1 Me-843 2031N2 2011N 1011Z2 Pa-041 Fr-510 1012M2 Li-149 Su-973 3461M Kh-993 2030M2 2031M2 Ei-533 1011Z2 Ve-441 Mu-755 1011Z1 Mo-257 3101M 3221M 3311Z2 Da-064 Ab-030 2031M1 3101Z Wa-920 3311M2 Ah-082 1019N 1022M1 Hi-462 Ha-214 3101M 4313Z 4421M2 Ki-401 3421N 3482M3 1090M Yu-714 3101Z Ra-057 Ta-425 3214M Ch-391 4101M 4412M Vo-314 1021X5 La-217 Ma-118 2011M Po-712 4461M Al-334 2001M1 Ka-687 1028M1 Ta-170 3101M Ba-932 Fa-074 2011N 2031N2