Results of Fall 2021 EECS waiting list submissions (round 2: all requests) Note: Some students processed in round 1 have been given seats in round 2 since seats became available in courses they requested. However, the permissions listed below are new - permissions from round 1 are not repeated. [Results of equests for an extra course for high GPA students are published separately.] YOU MUST USE YOUR PERMISSION TO ENROLL YOURSELF BY 11:59 p.m on Wednesday Sep 15. Note: While we uploaded the permissions at 9:30 am on Sep 13, it may take several hours for them to take effect. If you do not use your permission, your seat may be given to another student. The permission applies to a specific section and lab/tutorial (if applicable). If you have difficulty using your permission, contact the EECS undergraduate office on QLess (response to email queries may be slow for the next week) If you were not granted permission, reasons may include: - You lacked one of the prerequisites, including the 4.5 EECS GPA prerequisite - You would exceed the limit on the number of EECS courses per term - The course that you requested is full. If students drop or not all students exercise their permission to enroll or the course is not full, you may be able to get a seat by visiting the EECS undergraduate office on Qless on Sep 16. - Most 4xxx courses were almost full and there were very few seats available to allocate via the waitlist Look in the first column of the table below for the first 2 (or 3) letters of your surname, followed by the last three digits of your student number. The entries to the right represent the permissions you have been granted. For example, 2030Mmeans EECS2030, Section M. Permissions: Du-209 Ba-274 La-583 4422A Jo-044 4314E 4313E Be-414 Gr-071 4422A Gh-466 Gr-964 Ja-120 mu-770 Zh-895 Vu-324 4422A Oz-226 Ch-520 Au-179 Ab-884 4422A Ch-961 Ya-414 Hu-541 4313E Ka-078 Mo-521 Du-341 Al-321 AV-178 Le-898 Yo-577 Pa-727 Sa-764 Wa-405 Pe-588 Sa-231 4414A Ce-608 Th-772 Fa-237 Ro-944 Se-810 Na-128 Wa-370 4411A Ma-957 Al-672 3482A Ra-963 Ri-796 Ra-307 4414A xi-190 Kh-568 4414A Ca-098 Kh-099 AT-563 de-151 4404A Li-707 Ib-347 Ba-138 Ra-875 4414A Ah-493 4313E Ko-381 4411A Du-525 3482A So-832 Uw-752 Mi-312 Pi-003 4313E Ja-182 Re-874 4404A Li-489 Qu-166 Ra-327 4411A Sa-591 Wa-489 Eb-399 4313E Du-345 Tu-910 Am-373 4314E 3481A Ej-111 Ra-227 Ra-430 2011E Ar-083 Mo-408 mo-709 3482A Ap-985 4404B Ha-417 Zh-298 4414A Ta-482 Gu-705 1019C Ng-461 Ni-239 Ta-603 3482A Co-605 3401A me-843 Kl-881 Pr-366 3482A Ce-606 Ha-409 3213E Jo-424 Ga-509 3482A Mi-366 4101A Fo-001 3603E Pe-947 Ji-691 3101E of-641 3101A Gu-184 2030E Ch-146 3000A Ca-754 1022A Ha-769 2021E Sh-623 Ze-502 go-369 4411A Ku-401 2011E Vi-791 2011A ta-487 3603E Mo-306 4201E Ra-814 2011E Si-801 2200E Ke-817 2021E Bh-806 Na-609 3201E Ha-342 2021B Su-695 3482A Ja-106 3221B ya-990 Mo-209 Co-201 1022A Bu-329 Si-108 2001A 2021E Fa-534 3482A ha-226 Hu-298 He-447 3481A 2032E 3213E Sw-776 4111A Ng-499 4414A Qi-947 Wa-541 Ch-827 Ha-920 3201F Ma-098 Bh-269 2032E Li-122 4412A Gu-980 Sr-438 Qu-715 Ma-953 Us-372 Ge-680 2021E Ay-349 2021E LI-615 2032E De-363 3482A Pa-327 Mo-147 1090A ca-530 3401A Zh-330 3421A 2031A 1022A Ra-057 Ya-587 Mo-951 3481A Az-800 2011A 2031B Na-422 3214A Wa-598 3461A is-746 La-002 3311E Tr-768 2001C 2021B 2030A Li-731 Be-037 3603E ch-468 3482A Si-977 Ta-425 4441B We-046 2011E Ch-414 3622E ZH-585 3000A 3221A Od-173 3000A 2030A Re-911 3311B 3421B 2001C Se-783 2200E 2021B Kh-122 3311E 3421A 3101A 3461B Ch-186 4101A Bh-965 Po-939 2030E Ak-041 Ga-856 2021B 2031A 2030B Se-403 2001C 1022A No-404 Tr-486 2011A 2031C Al-158 3101B Wi-131 Di-360 3213E 3461A Ar-444 4404B vl-686 3421B 2021E 3101E Ar-255 4441A Ga-095 4441B Em-224 1022A 1090A Ph-229 3221E Ki-116 4314E Ji-724 3401A 3221E Pu-271 Pa-536 2021A 1090A Sa-446 2011E Sh-118 2011A Gu-430 4314E 3000A So-218 3221A Zu-659 3311E 2011E Pa-436 3461A Za-743 2030E 2001A Po-712 3421A 3221E Pa-305 3101B 3461A Mo-442 4441A Ma-622 4441A 1090B Ma-118 3482A 2032E Pa-188 3482A 3461A Xu-023 3451E aB-326 4414A