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Day 36 — Examples

Examples covering inheritance, collections, and exceptions.

Data Fitting

Scientific experiments and many engineering tasks require performing measurements of physical quantities. Often, we will want to fit a model to the measurements. For example, consider the "hockey stick" graph of mean temperature change in the Northern hemisphere over the past millennium.

Fitting Linear Data 1

Many models of physical phenomenon are linear, or approximately linear:

Fitting Linear Data 2

One problem we face when trying to fit a model to the measurements is that physical measurements have limited precision; there will always be some deviation between the model and the measurements.

How do we fit a line to imperfect (noisy) data?

Residual Errors

Suppose we fit some line to the data and calculated the vertical difference between the line and each data point. For perfect data, these differences would all be zero. For real data, these differences are not zero, and are a measure of the goodness-of-fit between the line and data points. The differences are called the residual errors.

In the figure on the left, the residual errors are labelled r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5.

Sum of Squared Residual Errors

The residual errors can be combined in a mathematical function to produce a function related to the quality of the fit of the line to the data. The most commonly used function is the sum of squared residual errors (Gauss), which in our example is:

In general, for n data points, the sum of squared residual errors is:

Minimize the Sum of Squared Residual Errors

Suppose the fit between a line and the data points is poor; then the function ρ will have a large value. Conversely, if the the fit is good, the function ρ will have a small value.

The line of best fit is the one that minimizes the function ρ.

Computing the Line of Best Fit 1

Deriving the line of best fit is not difficult, but requires a second course in differential calculus or linear algebra.

First compute the following four quantities:

Computing the Line of Best Fit 2

The slope of the best fit line is:

The y-intercept of the best fit line is:

Test Data 1

linedata1.txt contains perfect data from the line with slope m = 1 and intercept k = 0.

Test Data 2

linedata2.txt contains noisy data from the line with true slope m = 1 and true intercept k = 0. MATLAB computes an estimated slope of m = 1.1433 and estimated intercept of k = -0.7868.

Test Data 3

linedata3.txt contains noisy data from the line with true slope m = 1 and true intercept k = 0. There are data points with duplicate values of x. MATLAB computes an estimated slope of m = 0.9391 and estimated intercept of k = 0.5477.

Solution Using a Map


Because a Map is used to store the x and y coordinates, this solution does not allow for duplicated x coordinates; thus, you will get a different answer if you run this program using linedata3.txt as input.

import java.util.*;

public class LineFit
   public static void main(String[] args)
      PrintStream output = System.out;
      Scanner input = new Scanner(;
      // get the file name
      output.print("Name of data file: ");
      String fileName =;
      Map<Double, Double> data = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
         // read the data points into the map
         Scanner fileInput = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
         while (fileInput.hasNext())
            double x = Double.parseDouble(;
            double y = Double.parseDouble(;
            data.put(x, y);
         // must be at least 2 points
         if (data.size() < 2)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough data points");
         // compute a, b, c, d
         double a = 0.0;
         double b = 0.0;
         double c = 0.0;
         double d = 0.0;
         for (Double x : data.keySet())
            double y = data.get(x);
            a += x;
            b += y;
            c += x * x;
            d += x * y;
         // compute slope m
         int n = data.size();
         double m = (n * d - a * b) / (n * c - a * a);
         // compute slope
         double k = (b * c - a * d) / (n * c - a * a);
         // output
         output.println("line of best fit:");
         output.println("m = " + m);
         output.println("k = " + k);
      catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
         output.printf("File named %s not found.%n", fileName);
      catch (NumberFormatException ex)
         output.println("Non-numeric data.");

Solution Using 2 Lists

This approach uses two Lists to store the x and y coordinates which allows for duplicated x coordinates; thus, you will get the Matlab answer if you run this program using linedata3.txt as input.

import java.util.*;

public class LineFitList
   public static void main(String[] args)
      PrintStream output = System.out;
      Scanner input = new Scanner(;
      // get the file name
      output.print("Name of data file: ");
      String fileName =;
      List<Double> xData = new ArrayList<Double>();
      List<Double> yData = new ArrayList<Double>();
         // read the data points into the map
         Scanner fileInput = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
         while (fileInput.hasNext())
            double x = Double.parseDouble(;
            double y = Double.parseDouble(;
         // must be at least 2 points
         if (xData.size() < 2)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough data points");
         // compute a, b, c, d
         double a = 0.0;
         double b = 0.0;
         double c = 0.0;
         double d = 0.0;
         Iterator<Double> xIter = xData.iterator();
         Iterator<Double> yIter = yData.iterator();
         for (; xIter.hasNext();)
            double x =;
            double y =;
            a += x;
            b += y;
            c += x * x;
            d += x * y;
         // compute slope m
         int n = xData.size();
         double m = (n * d - a * b) / (n * c - a * a);
         // compute slope
         double k = (b * c - a * d) / (n * c - a * a);
         // output
         output.println("line of best fit:");
         output.println("m = " + m);
         output.println("k = " + k);
      catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
         output.printf("File named %s not found.%n", fileName);
      catch (NumberFormatException ex)
         output.println("Non-numeric data.");