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Day 25 — Inheritance


In object-oriented programming, inheritance allows an implementer to create new classes based on an existing class. In Java, you tell if a class inherits from another class by looking for the keyword extends at the top the API:

public final class String extends Object
public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream

public class FilterOutputStream extends OutputStream

public abstract class OutputStream extends Object
public class RewardCard extends CreditCard


Inheritance describes the is-a relationship between classes. The header:

public final class String extends Object

means that a String is-an Object. From the client's point of view, this means that String has every public field and method (but not constructors) that Object has.

In fact, in Java, every class ultimately inherits from Object. If you look at the API of Object you will see all of the obligatory methods (and more) that were mentioned in Chapter 4.


Note that inheritance is a one way relationship. A String is-an Object but the opposite is not true: an Object is not a String.

You can think of String as being a specialization of Object. A String has all of the public fields and attributes of Object plus more.

Similarly, a RewardCard is a specialization of CreditCard. A RewardCard has all of the public fields and attributes of CreditCard plus more.

UML Diagrams

A UML diagram indicates inheritance relationships using a line with an arrow joining the two classes:

The direction of the arrow is important; it points from the subclass to the superclass.

Notice that RewardCard inherits from CreditCard which in turn inherits from Object. This means that a RewardCard is-a CreditCard and is-an Object.

Method Overriding

As far as the client is concerned, a subclass has all of its superclass methods. These methods are shown in the API under sections labelled "Methods inherited from class ...". To find detailed information about such methods, the client must consult the APIs of the superclasses.

A subclass is also allowed to redefine a superclass method. Redefining a superclass method is called method overriding. If a subclass overrides a method, that method appears in the subclass "Method Summary" section of the API.

An overridden method has the exact same signature and return type as the superclass method (an overriding method can also return a subtype of the type returned by the overridden method).

A subclass cannot override a static method in the superclass; something else happens instead (left vague intentionally).

Inheriting Methods: RewardCard

The RewardCard API indicates that it has many methods inherited from CreditCard that are not overridden:


Overriding Methods: RewardCard

Less obvious is the fact that RewardCard has overridden four methods from CreditCard:


Why did the implementer of RewardCard decide to override these methods? Because these methods behave differently for RewardCard than they do for CreditCard.

Adding Methods: RewardCard

A RewardCard is a CreditCard but it can do things related to its reward points that CreditCard cannot. To support this added behavior, the implementer has added extra methods to RewardCard:


Notice that a method named isSimilar is also defined in CreditCard but that version has a CreditCard reference as a parameter. The RewardCard version takes a RewardCard reference as a parameter. This is an example of an overloaded method, not an overridden method. RewardCard has both versions of the isSimilar method.

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