2003-04 Graduate Lecture Schedule

Fall 2003
Course Title Cat. # Instructor Time Place
5101 Advanced Data Structures
Dymond MW16:00-17:30 FS 045
Computational Complexity

FS 109
5323 Computer Vision
Wildes MW17:30-19:00 FS 109
5326 Artificial Intelligence
Stachniak TR10-11:30 FS 045
5331 Computer Graphics
TBA TR13:00-14:30 OK
5441 (was5341) Real Time Systems Theory
Xu M18:00-21:00 CB 120
5351 Human-Computer Interaction
Stuerzlinger TR11:30-13:00 FS 045
5501 Computer Architecture
Nguyen MW10:00-11:30 FS 109
6117 Theory of Distributed Computing
Ruppert MW15:00-16:30
Statistical Signal Processing Theory


6326 Principles of Human Perception & Performance in Human-Computer Interaction   Allison MW11:30-13:00 CC 335
6390A Knowledge Representation
Lesperance TR18:30-20:00 BC 326
6431 Software Re-Engineering
Tzerpos WF17:30-19:00 BC 326
6412 Data Mining   Gryz  MW16:00-17:30 Stedman 120E
6590A High-Performance Computer Networks
Datta TR14:30-16:00 CB 115
6000 MSc Thesis Research
6001 MSc Project Research
7000 PhD Research

Winter 2004
5101 Advanced Data Structures
Ruppert MW11:30-13:00 CB 129
5311 Logic Programming
Stachniak TR10:00-11:30 FS 109
5324  Introduction to Robotics
Spetsakis MW10:00-11:30
SC 218
5331  Computer Graphics
Stuerzlinger TR13:00-14:30
FS 045
5442  Real-Time Systems Practice (was 5342)
Xu TR17:30-19:00 FS 109
5910 Software Foundations
F. vanBreugel

6118 Combinatorial Optimization   Mirzaian MW10:00-11:30 S125 Ross 
6323  Advanced Topics in Computer Vision   Tsotsos TR13:30-15:00 CC 335
CC6442 (was6342) Object-Oriented Software Construction
Ostroff MW13:00-14:30 S 156
6325 Mobile Robot Motion Planning
Jenkin M19:00-22:00 VH 1152
6328 Speech and Language Processing 
Jiang W19:00-22:00 CB 122
6390C Advanced Human-Computer Interaction
Mackenzie MW8:30-10:00 CC 335
6000 MSc Thesis Research
6001  MSc Project Research
7000 PhD Research