
Parke Godfrey
24 October 2012
26 October 2012

the view

CSS provides a means to specify
  - style
  - layout

It is the browser that renders the HTML document.

And there can be many different types of browers!
  - by capability
      . e.g., Links vs Firefox
  - by form factor
      . aspect ratio
        e.g., iPhone4 vs iPhone5
      . size
        e.g., iMac vs iPad vs iPhone

So, CSS provides design guidelines.
The paradigm is to specify these design specifications by rules.

The CSS Rule

match { property: value }

And that's it for CSS! Nice, elegant, and declarative!

Okay... what's it for?

  • The CSS rules that have been declared will match to elements in the HTML document.

  • The matched element's property will be set to that value.

How is the matching to be done?

  1. By tag name.

  2. By classes and id's.

    1. These are the hooks in the HTML model for the CSS rules.

    2. Set on the element via special attributes in the tag: class & id.

  3. By structural position in the document (DOM).

    1. Indicated by relative positioning of elements.

    2. E.g., all elements under a <div> of class yorku.

  4. And combinations of #1 – #3!

Match Syntax

tag { ... }

matches any element of that tag

.class { ... }

matches any element of that class

#id { ... }

matches the element with that id (if any)


Match Syntax

And these can be compounded.

tag.class { ... }

matches any element of that tag and of that class.

tag.#id { ... }

matches the element of that tag with that id (if any)

tag.class1.class2 { ... }

matches any ele of that tag and of class1 and class2.

tag[attr] { ... }

matches any element of that tag with an attribute attr


Match Syntax: structure

Let tagged be a simple match specification from before: e.g., tag, #id, tag.class, & tag.class1.class2.

tagged1 tagged2 { ... }

any element maching tagged2 that is a descendent of an element matching tagged2

tagged1 > tagged2 { ... }

any element maching tagged2 that is a child of an element matching tagged2

tagged1 + tagged2 { ... }

any element maching tagged2 that is the immediate right sibling of an element matching tagged2


CSS Rule Shorthands

match { prop1: val1; prop2: val2; }

is just shorthand for

match { prop1: val1 }
match { prop2: val2 }


match1, match2 {...}

is just shorthand for

match1 {...}
match2 {...}

Easy, no?

Well, the CSS model is pretty easy...but you can build up things quite quickly that are complex!


What to do when two — or more — rules match to an element to set the same property, (but with different values)?

We need precedence “rules” to determine which of the matching CSS rules wins.

In CSS, these precedence rules are defined.

CSS Precedence

The more specific wins.

The specificity rules are complex for complex taggings. The match specifications are scored, and the one with the best score wins.

CSS Rule Match Ties?

The CSS Rule Order
The Cascade

So... how are the rules ordered then?

This forms the Master List of the CSS rules for the document.

The Master List II
Author vs User, Important vs Normal

  . Revise the Master List:
    keeping the relative order of the rules, separate by

      * UserImportant
      * AuthorImportant
      * AuthorNormal
      * UserNormal

  . Append these four lists back together
    in that precedence order:

     1. UserNormal
     2. AuthorNormal
     3. AuthorImportant
     4. UserImportant

    This forms the final Master List.

& default


Finally, if an element still has no value assigned for a given property after inheritance, the browser's default for the property is assigned.

CSS for Layout

  . Boxes
      * Things are organized in boxes.
      * Boxes can stack horizontally and vertically
      * Boxes may be nested.
      * Every element in the DOM is a box!

  . Flow
      * Specifies how boxes
          . stack horizontally and vertically
          . are aligned to the top / bottom / left / right
          . etc.

The Box Model

  . margins
  . padding
  . borders


  . display
      * inline
      * block
      * others...

  . Each HTML tag is a block or inline box by default.
      * <p>?
      * <em>?

  . <div> & <span>
      * <div> is the work-horse, generic box.
        It is block, by default.
      * <span> is the generic inline box.

  . And lots, lots more details