DOM (& JavaScript)

Parke Godfrey
6 November 2012


These slides are based in part on ones from the following sources.

DOM: Document Object Model


HTML DOM Tree (from

  • DOM is an object model for XML.

  • HTML DOM is an object model for HTML.

  • DOM represents an XML / HTML document as nested objects.

  • The Web browser creates a DOM object to represent a page it is presenting.

  • User actions — and JavaScript-triggered actions — interact with that DOM object.

The DOM Tree

    <title>DOM Tutorial</title>
    <h1>DOM Lesson one</h1>
    <p>Hello world!</p>
DOM navigation

DOM relations (from

  • Each object is called a node.

    DOM node = HTML element

  • Each node has a parent, and can have children and siblings.

node properties

Some (HTML) DOM node properties:

  • x.innerHTML: the text value of x. (Not in the standards!)
  • x.nodeName: the tag name of x.
  • x.nodeValue: the value of x.
  • x.parentNode: the parent node of x.
  • x.childNodes: the child nodes of x.
  • x.attributes: the attribute nodes of x.

Note that x is an object representing that DOM node.

How do we get the object?

node methods

Some (HTML) DOM node methods:

  • x.getElementById(id): get the element by a specified id.
  • x.getElementsByTagName(name): get all elements with a specified tag name.
  • x.appendChild(node): insert a child node to x.
  • x.removeChild(node): remove a child node from x.

The root of an HTML DOM tree is the node document.

a note about text

Text content within an element is implicitly placed within a #text child node.

This can really trip you up, unless you know about it!

Why is this done?


Events are actions that can trigger JavaScript functions.

Some DOM events are:

  • onload: triggered when the element is finished loading.
    (Can be attached to <body> and <img>.)
  • onunload: triggered as the page is being exited.
  • onclick: triggered when the element is clicked.
  • onfocus: triggered when the element gains focus.
  • onblur: triggered when the element loses focus.

See W3School's HTML DOM Event Object for more.

JavaScript with DOM