Revised Calendar

Still to do: PEx07 (to receive feedback, complete the PEx by February 8)

Week 9 (February 3 and 5)

Topics: Recursion
Reading material: Chapter 11 of the recommended textbook
To do: PEx08 (to receive feedback, complete the PEx by February 15)

Week 10 (February 10)

Review of aggregation and inheritance.

Test 2 on February 12

Week 11 (February 17 and 19)

Topics: Recursion
Reading material: Section 12.2 of the recommended textbook

Labtest 2 on February 17 and 19

Labtest 3 in examination period (February 20 - March 3)

Test 3 in examination period (February 20 - March 3)

Drop deadline on March 10

Revised Weight Distribution

According to Senate regulations, no tests can be held within the first five days and the total weight of the tests held within the last two weeks cannot be more than 20%. Therefore, the weight of the second test and the second labtest have to be reduced.

Revised Office Hours

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00-13:00 and 16:00-17:00 or by appointment