Kornislav II Kornislav the turtle plays the following game. He asks his friend Kladislav for three positive integers. Then Kornislav moves in one direction, turns 120 degrees to his left, walks in the new direction, and so on. He makes 2 120-degree turns and walks along three segments whose lengths (in metres) are determined by the numbers he got from Kladislav. Kornislav must use each of the three integers exactly once as the length of one of the legs of his path. Depending on the order that Kornislav uses the numbers, his walk makes different shapes. His goal is that the path he walks along should enclose a triangle that is as large as possible. Input ----- The first line will contain a single positive integer n, which is the number of problem instances. Next, there will be n lines, each representing an instance of the problem. Each such line will contain three positive integers separated by a space. Output ------ For each input instance, output the area of the largest triangle that can be enclosed by Kornislav's walk, in square metres. Your answer should be rounded to two digits after the decimal. Sample Input ------------ 2 1 2 3 4 4 3 Sample Output ------------- 0.43 3.90