Same Birthday ------------- Somewhere on earth, a sequence of people enter a room one by one. On average, the number of people who have to enter the room before there are two people with the same birthday is about 24.6. (This assumes all birthdays are equally likely and that the people's birthdays are not correlated; for example, there are no twins entering the room. We also pretend that leap years do not exist, so that every year has 365 days.) On other planets, with different numbers of days per year, the expected number of people (or Martians, or Vogons, or Klingons) who have to enter the room before two have the same birthday would be different. Your job is to calculate these numbers. Input ----- The input will be a sequence of positive integers, each on a separate line. A 0 will indicate the end of the input (and should not be processed). Each number will be less than 1000. Output ------ For each input number n, output the expected number of creatures who have to enter a room until two have the same birthday, on a planet where the year has n days. (Again, assume the creatures' birthdays are uncorrelated and that every day is equally likely to be the birthday of a creature.) The value should be rounded to 1 digit after the decimal point. Sample Input ------------ 365 1 5 0 Sample Output ------------- 24.6 2.0 3.5