Pi The Prof ----------- Each year, Lassonde's Engineering Society organizes the "Pi The Prof" event. To raise money for a good cause, students donate money in the hope that the professor of their choice gets pied. The three professors for whom the most is donated actually get pied. Franck volunteered to be pied. On the morning of Pi Day, he looks at the scoreboard and realizes that he is currently ranked third. However, the gap with the number four is rather small. To avoid being pied, he could donate money to the current number four. So, he looks in his wallet to see how money he can donate. Note that Franck cannot donate all the money in his wallet since he also needs to have a cup of coffee before his lecture. In case there is a tie for the third position, a coin flip will decide who gets pied. Input ----- The input consists of n cases, and the first line consists of one positive integer giving n. The next n lines each contain 3 integers, d, w and c. The first, d, is the current gap with the number four, the second, w, is the amount in Franck's wallet, and the third, c, is the cost of a cup of coffee. You can assume that the input will follow these restrictions: 1 <= d <= 100, 5 <= w <= 25 and 1 <= c <= 3. Output ------ Output one line for each test case: "donate", "do not donate" or "donate and wait for the coin flip". The first represents the case where Franck has enough money for coffee and to donate for avoiding being pied. The second represents the case where Franck does not have enough money. The third represents the case where Franck has just enough money for coffee and to ensure that there is a tie for the third position. Sample Input ------------ 3 1 25 1 10 13 3 100 4 3 Sample Output ------------- donate donate and wait for the coin flip do not donate