B Melborp --------- This is Problem B in reverse. The look and say description of a sequence of digits is defined in problem B. If n is a positive integer, let las(n) be the result of describing the ordinary decimal representation of n (with no leading 0's). For example, las(122344111) = 1122132431 and las(1111111111) = 101. Note that las(10^112 - 1) = las(1199) = 1129, so las is not a one-to-one function. In this question, you will be given a number m and you must find the length of the smallest positive integer n such that las(n)=m. (Here, the length of n just means the number of digits needed to represent it in decimal.) For example, if m = 1129, 1199 is the smallest number n such that las(n) = 1129, so you should output 4 (the length of 1129). Input ----- Each line will contain a positive integer m. The end of the input will be indicated by a value m = 0, which should not be processed. Each m will be less than 10^17. Output ------ For each input value m, output the length of the smallest positive integer n such that las(n) = m. If there is no such n, print "impossible". Each output should appear on a new line. Sample Input ------------ 1129 3131 7 1010 0 Sample Output ------------- 4 313 impossible impossible