Sums ---- Eric also went to the dentist. Each time the dentist sees a patient, she writes down the amount of money that she charges on a list and yells ka-ching!!! Sometimes, when she has a break between patients, the dentist wants to know how much money she has made within a certain period of time. Your task is to write a programme to assist her. Input ----- The input consists of a list of n amounts (in dollars) a_1 ... a_n. Each amount appears by itself on a line and will have exactly two digits after the decimal (to indicate cents). The end of the list of amounts is indicated by a 0. Then, there are a list of queries, one per line. Each query is a pair of integers i and j, separated by a space, where 1 <= i <= j <= n. The end of the queries will be indicated by a line containing 0 0, and no output should be produced for this line. n will be at most 500 000, and each amount a_i will be at most 1000. There will be at most a million queries. Output ------ For each query pair i j, output on a separate line the sum of amounts a_i + a_{i+1} + ... + a_j. The amount should be shown with two digits after the decimal point. Sample Input ------------ 134.23 23.10 99.99 0 1 3 2 3 2 2 0 0 Sample Output ------------- 257.32 123.09 23.10