
During the second and third week of this term, Joan has learned about static methods and APIs in the course Introduction to Computer Science I. This question of York's programming contest seems to test exactly those skills. Do you possess those skils?


Your program takes as input a string of doubles separated by whitespace (space or tab). You may assume that the string contains at least one and at most 20 numbers and that all numbers are greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than 100. Using the Statistics class, whose API can be found here and whose jar can be found here, compute the minimum, maximum, mean, median and standard deviation.


Print the results as in the following sample run.

Sample input

2.3      6     1.16

Sample output

Minimum:             1.16
Maximum:             6.00
Mean:                3.15
Median:              2.30
Standard deviation:  2.07