The First Question

After attending her first lectures of the course Introduction to Computer Science I, Joan decides to participate in York's programming contest. She reads all the problems and decides to tackle this problem. She manages to solve the problem. Can you solve it too?


Your program takes an integer P, which is greater than 0 and smaller than 10, as its input.


Your program should print the following two lines:

The value of π, pronounced as "pie", is

Note that the value of π is given by P digits of precision (in the example output above, P is 3). A list of the Unicode code characters can be found at Wikipedia.


To solve the problem, Joan suggests you to use the format method of the String class and the PI field of the Math class. For input and output she used the classes Scanner and PrintStream, respectively. She created an app called TheFirstQuestion. She also saved the sample input, given below, in a file called After having successfully compiled her code, she used

java TheFirstQuestion <

to check whether her app produced the desired output for the sample input.

Sample input


Sample output

The value of π, pronounced as "pie", is