Letter Distances ---------------- The topic of this week in 1020 is Strings. Consider the following problem. Given two words of equal length, find the letter distance between matching letters in each word. The letter distance between two letters x and y is defined by assigning 'A'=1, 'B'=2, ... 'Z'=26. Then the distance is y - x if y >= x, and (y + 26) - x if y < x. For instance, the alphabet distance between 'B' and 'D' is 4 - 2 = 2, while the distance between 'D' and 'B' is (2 + 26) - 4 = 24. You can think of the distance between x and y as the number of times x must be bumped up to reach y, with 'Z' becoming 'A' when bumped. Input ----- The first line contains the number of test cases (< 100). After that, each line contains one test case with two words, separated by a single space. You can assume that the words are between length 4 and 20, and in all capital letters (from A to Z). Output ------ For each test case, you are to output a single line consisting of the letter distances between the letters in order, each separated by a single space. Sample input ------------ 5 AAAA ABCD ABCD AAAA DARK LOKI STRONG THANOS DEADLY ULTIMO Sample output ------------- 0 1 2 3 0 25 24 23 8 14 19 24 1 14 9 25 1 12 17 7 19 5 1 16