E. Multiplications --------------- In this problem, you have to find the number of different ways that you can fill in distinct digits between 1 and 9 (inclusive) for stars in a multiplication formula like ** x ** = ***. For example, you could fill in this formula with 18 x 42 = 756 or 67 x 14 = 938. Note that you cannot use the same digit twice, so 56 x 14 = 784 is not a legal solution (it uses the digit 4 twice). 67 x 14 = 938 and 14 x 67 = 938 count as two different ways of filling in the formula. Input Format ------------ The input will consist of multiple instances. For each instance, there will one line containing 3 positive integers n, m and p, separated by single spaces. The three integers give the number of digits in the first factor, the second factor and the product. (For example, the formula *** x ** = **** would be described by an input line with n=3, m=2, p=4.) You may assume that n+m+p <= 9. The end of the input will be indicated by a line with n=m=p=0. Do not produce any output for this input line. Output Format ------------- For each input instance, output a single integer on a separate line. That integer should be the number of different ways to fill in the multiplication using distinct digits between 1 and 9. Sample Input ------------ 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 Sample Output ------------- 4 32