Polygon area --------------- There are many ways to compute the area of a polygon. If we know that the polygon is convex, we can triangulate the polygon in many simple ways (including joining each vertex to the centroid) and add up the area of the triangles produced. However, there is a simple formula (that you should remember henceforth!) that works even when the polygon is not convex. It requires that the vertices of the polygon be specified in clockwise or counterclockwise order. Suppose the vertices are V_1,...,V_n where V_i = (x_i,y_i). Then the area of the polygon is given by A = x_1(y_2-y_n) + x_2(y_3-y_1)+ ... + x_n(y_1-y_(n-1)) Note that the general term is x_i( y_(i+1) - y_(i-1)). Also the formula produces a signed number - the sign indicates whether the points are specified in clockwise or anticlockwise order. In this question, we are only concerned with the absolute value of the area. In this problem you are given a polygon with 20 sides and asked to determine the highest (absolute) area of any 19 sided polygon that can be obtained by deleting a single vertex of the given polygon. Input The first line is the number of instances n. Each following line contains 40 integers separated by spaces -- these are 20 sets vertex coordinates -- x_i,y_i. All integers will have absolute values less than 6500. Output The output is the answer to the question "what is the area of the polygon with the biggest area that is produced by deleting a vertex from the given polygon?" -- see the sample output below for the precise format. As always, make sure that your output matches the samples precisely, including in terms of upper/lowercases, punctuation and white spaces. Sample input 2 -585 -131 -558 -220 117 -588 353 -485 600 -12 600 -4 476 365 412 436 397 450 223 557 165 577 100 592 -71 596 -160 578 -202 565 -278 532 -281 530 -472 371 -549 241 -576 167 -600 -22 -594 -87 -493 -341 -167 -576 270 -536 326 -503 565 -203 575 -172 596 -72 509 318 497 336 478 363 462 382 316 510 178 573 170 575 136 584 -233 553 -565 203 -571 185 Sample Output Case 1: The maximum area is 2029857. Case 2: The maximum area is 2124891.