X Marks the Spot ---------------- Xavier hates the letter E. He finds it ugly. He has turned his hatred into an unusual hobby, which gives him great satisfaction. He likes to cross out every occurrence of the letter E that enters his home. Every morning, when he reads the MOBX AND GLAIL newspaper while eating his breakfast of CHXXRIOS, he cuts out little squares of paper to paste over each upper-case letter E that appears in the newspaper. (Fortunately, lower-case e's don't bother him, or he wouldn't even be able to write his own first name, which was originally Eavier.) After pasting each square into place, Xavier then writes a big X across the square of paper with a black felt-tip marker. Sometimes this takes him until dinnertime. Some mornings, he absent-mindedly puts his felt-tip marker into his mouth instead of his spoonful of CHXXRIOS. Over the course of the morning, his tongue often becomes covered in black ink spots. He worries that some people might find him a bit peculiar on account of this. He has come up with the following solution. He will use his computer to pre-print little squares of paper with X's already drawn on them, so that he can simply cut them out and paste them in place, without having to use the felt-tip marker. (Yes, he still sometimes stabs himself with his scissors or eats a bit of paste by accident while having his CHXXRIOS, but at least he won't have a spotty tongue.) There are several different sizes of E's in the newspaper. The ones in headlines are larger than the ones in the body of the text, and sometimes advertisements use large fonts that have obscenely large E's (by Xavier's reckoning). So he needs to print squares of various sizes. He also wants the outlines of the squares to be printed so that he can use them as guidelines to cut along. With this time- saving device he expects to finish his daily task by lunchtime at the latest. Your task is to print the squares that Xavier requires. Input ----- Each line of input will contain an odd number between 2 and 40. For each number n in the input, print an X inside a square as shown in the sample output below; the square should be n characters wide and n characters high. The end of the input will be indicated by a line containing 0. (No output should be produced for 0.) Output ------ See the sample output below for the exact format of the squares to be printed. Each square should be separated from the next by a blank line. Do not print a blank line at the end of the output. Sample Input ------------ 9 3 0 Sample Output ------------- +-------+ |\ /| | \ / | | \ / | | X | | / \ | | / \ | |/ \| +-------+ +-+ |X| +-+