Distance from a point to a line ------------------------------- The distance from a point to a line is defined as the distance from the point to the line along the perpendicular to the line. (This is the shortest distance between the point and any point on the line.) The formula for this distance from a point (x_1,y_1) to a line described by the equation Ax + By + C = 0 is given by (A*x_1 + B*y_1 +C)/sqrt(A*A + B*B). Note that this quantity is signed and its absolute value gives the distance. The sign gives useful information as well -- it is positive for points on one side of the line and negative for points on the other side. In this problem you will compute the distance of points from lines and output the distance rounded to 2 decimal points. Input The first line is the number of instances n. Each following line contains 5 integers x_1, y_1, A, B, C, separated by spaces. All integers will have absolute values less than 5000. Output The absolute value of the distance between each point and the corresponding line rounded to 2 decimal places. Sample input 1 0 0 -1 1 0 Sample Output Case 1: The distance is 0.00.