Leutonian --------- Leutonian is a language spoken by most people in Outer Leutonia, and a small minority of people in Inner Leutonia. The Leutonian alphabet has 5 vowels (a e o u y) and 23 consonants (b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z sh ng fn). Although the last three consonants on the list are written using two English letters, each of the combinations "sh", "ng" and "fn" counts as a single Leutonian letter. Leutonian is written using only lower-case letters; Leutonians never discovered upper-case letters. Leutonian words consist of a string of Leutonian letters. In any gramatically correct Leutonian word, consonants and vowels must alternate: there cannot be two vowels in a row or two consonants in a row. (Important exception: if a word begins with the consonant sh, that sh can be immediately followed by any consonant except sh). For example, shmenge, babufnefne, shyfnexyxu and fnosh are gramatically correct Leutonian words. On the other hand, smenge, bibufnefne, shshyf, leutonian and fnord are not gramatically correct Leutonian words. Nouns in Leutonian end with a vowel. All other words end with a consonant. Given a line of Leutonian text, you must count the number of 1) grammatical nouns, 2) grammatical non-nouns, and 3) ungrammatical words. While checking, ignore any punctuation that appears at the end of words in the line (; , . ! ?). Hint: you might want to use Java's regular expression class (see java.util.regex) to solve this problem. Input ----- The input will consist of multiple lines. The first line will contain an integer n. Then, there will be n lines of text. Each line of text will contain only lower case English characters, spaces and the five Leutonian punctuation symbols (; , . ! ?). Between one word an the next, there will be at most one punctuation symbol and exactly one space. The last word on a line may have a punctuation symbol after it. Output ------ For each of the n lines of input text, output the number of nouns, non-nouns and ungrammatical words in the format shown in the Sample Input ------------ 4 josh shmenge can shpek lutonejan very wel. yosh smenge often spells words incorrectly, unfortunately has josh shmenge fnoshed her babufnefne on a shyfnexyxu or on a fnuxerong? he did not go to sing, but rather to fnosh! Sample Output ------------- 2 5 0 0 0 7 5 8 0 4 3 3