Grade school arithmetic In elementary school, students are asked to practice their arithmetic by solving puzzles of the following form: given 3 numbers, put arithmetic operators to make it a correct equation. For example given 3,4,7, they are expected to notice that 3+4=7 is a correct equation. In this problem you are asked to solve similar problems. To simplify the problem assume that you will insert one equals symbol and one arithmetic operator (+,-,*,/). If there is an ambiguity (e.g. given 7,4,3, you can write 7-4=3 or 7=4+3) choose the solution that puts the equality sign after the second number. (If there is still an ambiguity, even with this constraint, you can output any one of the possible solutions.) Note that in this problem "/" represents integer division (rounding down). Input Each line of input has 3 positive integers a,b,c, separated by spaces. The last line of input will have 0 0 0 and should not be processed. Output For each case there should be a single line of output that looks like "Case i: a-b=c", or if no solution is possible: "Case i: No solution". Sample Input 1 3 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 Sample Output Case 1: a+b=c Case 2: No solution