Problem B - Joana and the Odd Numbers ------------------------------------- Joana loves playing with odd numbers. The other day, she started writing, in each line, an odd number of odd numbers. It looked as follows: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 ... On a certain line Joana wrote 55 odd numbers. Can you discover the sum of the last three numbers written in that line? Can you do this more generally for a given quantity of odd numbers? Given the number N of odd numbers in a certain line, your task is to determine the sum of the last three numbers of that line. Input ----- The input is a sequence of lines, one odd number N (1 < N < 10^9) per line. The last line of input contains the number 0. No output should be produced for this last line. Output ------ For each input line write the sum of the last three odd numbers written by Joana in that line with N numbers. This sum is guaranteed to be less than 2^63. Sample Input ------------ 3 5 7 Output for Sample Input ----------------------- 15 45 87