Problem A - Histogram --------------------- For each set of data you are given, you must draw a histogram using text graphics, and compute the mode. Input ----- The input will contain multiple instances. For each instance, the first line of input will contain n, the number of data points. The next n lines will each contain a positive integer. The end of the input file will be indicated by a number n=0. Output ------ For each input instance, you should generate a histogram as follows. Suppose min and max are the smallest and largest values that appear among the n input values. Then you will print one line for each value i in the range min <= i <= max, containing i, followed by some spaces, followed by !, followed by one X for each occurrence of i in the input data. You should print enough spaces before the exclamation point so that the exclamation point appears in the sixth column. You can assume max <= 99999 and that no data value will occur more than 100 times in any input instance. After printing out the histogram you should print out the mode of the data. Recall that the mode is the value that occurs most often. If there is a tie, you should say that there is no mode. Separate the histograms for different instances by a single blank line. Sample Input ------------ 10 8 7 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 13 5 137 138 133 137 138 0 Output for sample input ----------------------- 3 !XX 4 !X 5 !XXXX 6 ! 7 !X 8 !X 9 ! 10 ! 11 ! 12 ! 13 !X The mode is 5. 133 !X 134 ! 135 ! 136 ! 137 !XX 138 !XX There is no mode.