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CSE1020E The Java Development Environment on a Windows PC

These pages describe modifications to the Lab 2 instructions from the course textbook (pages 84—86) for setting up a Windows PC for Java software development. It is assumed that you have the textbook for the course, the CD ROM that accompanies the textbook, and Administrator privileges on the PC.

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Step 1: Follow the Textbook Instructions

You should follow the textbook instructions starting on page 84 under the section L2.2 Microsoft Windows. Perform the instructions in order for the following items:

  1. The Working Directory
  2. The TYPE API
  3. The JAVA API
  4. The JDK

Step 2: The TYPE Software

Follow the instructions from the textbook to install the type.jar file and then perform one extra step:

  1. Check to see if the folder C:\Program Files\Java\jre6 exists on your computer. If it does, you also need to copy the type.jar file from the CD to the folder C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext

Step 3: The Editor

The textbook recommends installing an editor called Crimson to create and edit your Java source code files. If you want to use this editor then follow the instructions in the textbook.

I would recommed that you install the jEdit editor instead. You can download it here. jEdit is a programmer's text editor written in Java. Because it is written in Java, it runs on all major platforms (Windows, Max OSX, Linux). It is the editor that I will use in class and it is available for you to use in the lab.

Customize jEdit following these steps:

  1. Start jEdit if it is not already running.
  2. Under the Utilities menu, select Global Options
  3. On the left under the jEdit option, select the Editing option.
  4. Set both the Tab width and Indent width to 3.
  5. Check the check box labelled check Soft (emulated with spaces) tabs.
  6. In the Default edit mode combo box choose java.
  7. Your Editing options should now look like this:

  8. On the left under the jEdit option, select the Text Area option.
  9. Uncheck the check box labelled End of line markers
  10. Your Editing options should now look like this:

Step 4: The Console

Follow the instructions under the section called The Console.

You will need to edit the file named begin.bat in your Working Directory. Find begin.bat using the Windows file explorer and right click on it; select the Edit option. Replace all occurrences of jdk1.5.0_02 with jdk1.6.0_02. Save the file.

My Working Directory is C:\Users\mab\Documents\Java By Abstraction". This is the contents of begin.bat, the contents of my Working Directory, and the Console (Command Prompt) running from the shortcut created in my Working Directory.

Step 5: Check Your Installation

Step 6: Set Up eCheck

Perform this step after you get a CSE account.

Step 7: Do eCheck 00A

eCheck 00A is on pages 38—40 of the textbook; the steps are illustrated below:

  1. See textbook.
  2. eCheck might complain about being past the deadline; just press 'y' followed by the Return key to continue.

  3. Don't forget to save and recompile!
  4. You should try steps 7, 8, and 9 on your own.
